What is Ayurveda?
As old as mankind
Āyur (आयुर्) means “life” and veda (वेढ) means “knowledge" or “wisdom" in Sanskrit. Āyurveda (आयुर्वेढ) is the wisdom is life.
Āyurveda is the ancient holistic medical science that originated in India. It’s estimated to be about 5,000 years old and it survived the test of time being successfully practiced all the way to modern times.
Āyurveda is not just a set of instructions and rules but a discourse on the laws of nature that governs our physical, mental, and spiritual bodies.
Āyurveda emphasizes prevention and health promotion. And it does so by making use of what is naturally available around you. An Ayurvedic protocol involves dietary changes, lifestyle changes, body work techniques, and the use of herbal formulations.
Personalized Medicine
There’s only one of you in the entire universe. Āyurveda says that our mind-body constitutions are unique and it provides tools to assess one's uniqueness. Therefore, the management of someone’s ailments will be unique and personalized.
There are no standardized recipes in Āyurveda. Two people might be suffering from the same ailment, and the recommendations can be completely different.
Āyurveda takes into account your unique mind-body constitution, your current state of imbalances, physical and emotional strength, and everything else that is going on in your life.
Holistic = mind + body + spirit
According to Āyurveda, your mind and your body are inseparable and affect each other. Specifically, Āyurveda says we have three bodies: the physical body, the subtle body, and the casual body.
The physical body is where we experience life in a three-dimensional time-limited space.
The subtle body (which we can not perceive with our senses) is where our bodily humours (or doshas) and our mind are.
The casual body, as in the cause why you exist now, is where the soul resides as a witness of life.
Āyurveda assesses the health state of all three bodies and suggests holistic recommendations for healing at all levels.
The three energies
In Āyurveda, there are three energies responsible for all functions of the universe, they are called: doshas or bodily humours. They are named: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
At the moment of conception, a unique proportion of these energies are determined, and this proportion which is unique, defines your constitution. Due to the way we live our lives, these energies can get affected and get out of whack, and that’s how Āyurveda defines all ailments, both mental and physical.
Vata is composed of ether and air. It is the energy of the wind. Responsible for all sorts of movements, including the following qualities: dry, cold, light, rough, subtle, fast, and mobile. For example: “my body is too dry”, “I'm cold all the time”, “I'm bloated and experiencing a lot of gas”, “I'm constantly worried”.
Pitta is composed of fire and water. It is the energy of the fire. Responsible for all transformations, including the following qualities: hot, oily, light, spreading, sharp, etc. For example: “I feel like my stomach is burning”, “I’m always hungry and I sweat easily”, “I have poor vision“, “Grumpy and angry? YES”.
Kapha is composed of water and earth. It's the grounding energy of the earth. Responsible for binding and stability, including the following qualities: cold, oily, heavy, dense, slow, nourishing, etc. For example: “I've always had trouble losing weight”, “I have a large body build”, “Why are you worried? Just admire how beautiful the sky is!”.
Happiness is harmony with nature
According to Āyurveda, happiness is nothing but your current state of health. The healthier you are, the happier you feel. And health is your state of harmony with nature, both your own individual nature, and the nature around you.
Photograph by Kunal Gupta.
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It is said that you don't find Ayurveda. Ayurveda finds you.